Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pathfinder reflection

For my pathfinder I chose to focus on Latin American and Latino studies. Being Puerto Rican, I have a personal interest in this subject and a few months ago I created a LibGuide for the Rebecca Crown Library covering some resources for this subject. Given I had a list of all the resources and summaries of what was available in them already written down it seemed like it would be easier to create a pathfinder out of that material. When creating the pathfinder I tried looking at some of the other curation links like blendspace, educlipper, and feedly briefly but those seemed either to focused on creating actual lesson plans instead of research resources or to brief, not allowing for a proper description of a resource.

I ended up using which was suggested in class last week. At first it seemed like is was too messy visually for me when we were given it as an example. It felt cluttered and a little hectic in my mind. After using it however, I feel like it was a great way to organize information. I didn't plan on having sub-tabs but after adding in some of the websites resources to the binder it seemed like the most logical thing to do. The fact that users can actually use the website within the Livebinder page was a nice feature that I think adds to how valuable this is as a tool. It was easy to change the layout of a tab, its color, and its place among the other tabs. Deleting an unnecessary tab was also simple and I didn't need to look up any instructional videos on how to use Livebinder despite this being my first experience with it. The only issue I had with it was that even after selecting an option or changing a setting the pop up window for that particular feature stays open till you close it. To me it would make sense for it to return you to the main page automatically after you click on an option. Livebinders will be added to my professional toolkit in the future. It will be great when creating pathfinders for patrons and fellow staff members alike.

Click here to open this binder in a new window.

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