Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Equipment investigation reflection

This was my first time actually using Prezi in a project; prior to this I have seen other's use it but my expertise in Microsoft PowerPoint has always led me to use that instead. I felt that the Prezi was less of a collaborative experience than the Google Doc we used for the makerspace inventory. Since Latrece and myself were unfamiliar with Prezi but Sean had experience we had Sean create and setup the Prezi we had. From there we were able to put in information from our makerspace inventory and then expand upon it in the Prezi. We talked about the content to add to the Prezi and then Sean carried out the major changes we wanted to see. 

Prezi seemed easy to use; I did not need to look up any kind of tutorials on how to make changes or add new slides to it. Latrece had some issues when trying to make small changes to some of the text on the slides and because of this her and I looked for edits that needed to be made together. After locating them I would then make the changes since I was able to just double click on the text and edit it. After everything we put into the makerspace inventory it only took a few hours to get everything into the Prezi and have the final version done. It seemed fairly easy to me. Sean and Latrece are easily the best people I've ever worked on a project with; their enthusiasm, easy manner, expertise, and interest in new things made this project fun while removing all the stress I normally feel going into group projects. They are great people to explore something new with. 

The design options in Prezi are much more attractive than those available in PowerPoint. It also moves more smoothly visually resulting in a more engaging presentation I think than PowerPoint. In the future I believe I will use Prezi when creating presentations that are meant to be engaging to the audience. This could be in a class intended to teach patrons something or when presenting something to young people that will be bored by a PowerPoint. However, if I am giving presentations to a board of directors or similar group I believe I will use a PowerPoint because its simplicity gives it a professional feel. Prezi seems just as useful as other presentation mediums like Google Presentation and PowerPoint; to me it is just a slightly different tool for different audiences.  

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